Code: 4770168145139


Allium cepa L.
Weight: 0.003 kg / item
Package measurement: 8 x 14 x 0.2 cm

Duration of vegetation – 160 days, therefore, grown by planting seedlings. Bulbs are oval, very large, weighting in at 350 g, but may mature to 0.8–1 kg. Onions are sweet tasting and do not have spiciness characteristic to other varieties. Consumed while still fresh, may be stored for about 2 months after harvesting. Grows best in humic, sandy loam. Onions may be rotated with grain, potatoes, cucumbers, tomatoes and carrots. Seeds might be treated. If the seeds are treated, the name of the treatment is given at the bottom of the package. 

Price groupE
Hermetic packagingYes
Quantity in a packet0,5g
Number of seeds per gram~250-450
Sowing time for seedlingsIII-IV
Distances, cm40x15
Place of growingField
BrandŽalia stotelė
Sunny placeYes
Suitable for professional useYes
Languages on the packagingLV, EN, LT, EE, DE
Weight0,5 g