Name | Barcode | Weight | |
| BASIL SWEET MARSEILLAIS Description Fragrant annual culinary, woody plants. Fresh and dried leaves or a mixture of leaves and flowers with pleasant odour and bitter taste are used for human consumption. Can be grown in beds, balconies, or on the windowsill. | 4770168917484 | 0.003 kg |
| BEETROOT CYLINDRA Description Medium-early variety. Harvested after 55–65 days. Root crops are dark red in colour. Recommended for summer and autumn harvest, suitable for storage. Grows best in medium heavy, deeply tilled, non acid loamy soil. | 4770168151062 | 0.006 kg |
New | BEETROOT NOIRE D'EGYPTE Description Medium-early variety. The crop is harvested in 85–95 days. The roots are round-flat, dark red in colour. Can be consumed fresh, canned, stored during the winter. Grows best in medium-heavy, deeply cultivated soil. | 4770168151079 | 0.006 kg |
| BROCCOLI CALABRESE NATALINO Description A mild taste, high-yielding variety, which is used for food fresh, stewed or frozen. In case of the early harvest, it is recommended to grow in the greenhouse, whereas for the late harvest – in the fields. Best grown in fertile, moist soil. | 4770168151031 | 0.004 kg |
| CABBAGE SAVOY VERTUS 2 Description A medium-early variety for summer – autumn harvest. Appreciated for their great taste as well as their ornamental look. Heads are round, weight 2.5 – 3.5kg. Suitable for salads, canning, stewing. Grow well in fertile, moderately heavy soil. | 4770168151123 | 0.004 kg |
| CARROT AMSTERDAM 2 Description An early variety, which is grown for fresh consumtion and short storage. Harvested in 80 days after seed germination. Root crops have cylindrical shape, are 15–17cm long. Best grown in cultivated, humus rich soil. | 4770168151178 | 0.005 kg |
| CARROT BERLIKUMER 2 Description Medium-late variety. Vegetation period is 110 days. Root crop is cylinder shaped, suitable for fresh consumption and processing. Stays well in winter. Grows best in sandy loam or loamy soil. Carrots can be planted in the same place after 3–4 years. | 4770168151482 | 0.005 kg |
| CARROT FLAKKEE 2 Description Medium-late variety. Vegetation period is 115–120 days. Root crop is cylinder shaped, suitable for fresh consumption and processing. Stays well in winter. Grows best in sandy loam or loamy soil. | 4770168151499 | 0.005 kg |
| CARROT NANTES 2 Description Medium-early variety. Roots are 16-20 cm long, smooth surface, blunt tips, thin core. Harvest within 110–115 days. Used fresh, and kept during winter. Grow best in, hummus rich, not soggy loamy or sandy loam soil. | 4770168151185 | 0.005 kg |
| CARROT NANTESE 2 Description Medium-early variety. Roots are 16-20 cm long, smooth surface, blunt tips, thin core. Harvest within 110–115 days. Used fresh, and kept during winter. Grow best in, hummus rich, not soggy loamy or sandy loam soil. | 4770168151475 | 0.005 kg |
| CHAMOMILE Description Annual medicinal, ornamental, woody herbs. Picked flowers should be dried right away as only well dried flowers have a rich aroma. Best grown in light, well cultivated soil, which is free from weeds. | 4770168151390 | 0.004 kg |
| CORIANDER Description The popular and most widely used herb in the world with exceptional taste and aroma. Fresh leaves and the dried seeds is used to flavor foods, especially meat and fish. To have fresh leaves all season, sow it from March to July every 20 days. | 4770168151161 | 0.006 kg |
| CORNFLOWER BALL Description Annual fast-growing flowers which have bright colours and are easy to grow, medicinal herbs. These flowers are grown in flower gardens, blooming meadows. Not demanding to soil, grow well even in poor soil. Blooms attract colourful butterflies. | 4770168151406 | 0.004 kg |
| CUCUMBER MARKETMORE Description Medium-early, high yielding salad type variety. Fruit is dark green, beautifully shaped, used fresh. Grown outdoors and under cover. Recommended to plant in the same place after 2–3 years. | 4770168151000 | 0.004 kg |
| CUCUMBER PICCOLO VERDE DI PARIGI Description Medium-early, high yielding variety. Fruit is green, beautifully shaped, used fresh. Grown outdoors and under cover. Recommended to plant in the same place after 2–3 years. | 4770168151017 | 0.003 kg |
| DILL COMMON Description Medium-early, high yielding variety. Easy to cultivate, can grow in the shade. Fresh or dried leaves, blooms, stems are used for food. Good for freezing, canning. To have dills throughout the summer, seed them every 10 days. | 4770168151130 | 0.006 kg |
| DWARF BEAN BORLOTTO LINGUA DI FOUCO NANO Description Medium early, fertile variety of shelled beans. Pods are large, yellowish with red stripes. Fresh seeds are white and red, yellowish when dried, with cherry-colour stripes. Can be used fresh, fried, boiled, canned. Grow best in light to moderate, well tilled, loose soil. | 4770168151260 | 0.01 kg |
| ENGLISH LAVENDER ENGLISH Description Perennial culinary, ornamental, woody herbs. Fresh or dried spicy leaves are used for human consumption. The most appropriate method of propagation – planting seedlings which are grown from seeds in the nursery. Can grow in the same place even for 10 years. | 4770168151451 | 0.003 kg |
| FENNEL ROMANESCO Description The bulbs, leaves and seeds are used for food. The plant has a pleasant smell reminding of anise and dill and a sweet anise taste. To get an earlier harvest, it is recommended to plant as seedlings. Grows well in fertile, rich soil. | 4770168151505 | 0.003 kg |
| FLOWER MIX BUTTERFLY Description Colourful, fragrant flower mix for summer flowerbeds. Bright-coloured fragrant blooms will attract bees and butterflies to flowerbeds. Seeds can be sown directly to flowerbeds. Sunny location, soil that is permeable to air and water should be selected for growing. | 4770168151734 | 0.004 kg |
| FLOWER MIX SUMMER Description Colourful flower mix for summer flower gardens, can be grown in flowerpots. Fragrant and bright coloured blooms attract bees and butterflies to flower garden. Seeds can be sown directly in to the flower garden. A sunny place and a water and air permeable soil to be chosen for growing. | 4770168151383 | 0.005 kg |
| FRENCH BEAN CANNELLINO Description Early variety. Harvested after 65 to 80 days, this variety is popular for its white beans that are perfect for soups and salads. Young pods can be consumed together with the seeds. Best growth is achieved in low to medium density, tilled, loose soil. | 4770168151529 | 0.01 kg |
| FRENCH BEAN DIOR Description A variety of asparagus beans. Grows in 60 days. Plants are 50cm high, pods are yellow, up to 14cm long. Can be used for fresh consumption, freezing or processing. Best grown in a sunny place in light or moderately heavy soil which is loose and well cultivated. | 4770168151277 | 0.01 kg |
| FRENCH BEAN MAXI Description Early variety, harvested after 50 to 60 days. Popular for its very succulent 18 to 20 cm long pods, the plants grow to 45 cm height. Can be consumed fresh, baked, stir-fried, boiled, or canned. Suitable for freezing. Thrives in rich and humid loamy soil with low-acidity. | 4770168151536 | 0.008 kg |
| GARDEN CRESS Description Seeds for growing young leaflets – micro-greens. Seeds are sown all year round to seeding boxes or shallow polymer boxes – they require light, heat, loose and fertile substrate. | 4770168913608 | 0.008 kg |
| GARDEN SAGE Description Medicinal, nectariferous, decorative herbs. Strong aroma and spicy taste – suitable for flavouring leguminous vegetable dishes. The plants are decorative, suitable for growing in containers, planters, or potted on the windowsill in winter. | 4770168913660 | 0.004 kg |
| GEANTE MARAICHERE ROSSA DI VERONA Description Lettuce of original colour, shape and taste. Produces heads weighing 600–800 grams with crispy leaves. Can be consumed fresh, mixed with other lettuce, gives them a slightly savory taste. Grown for summer, autumn harvest. | 4770168151680 | 0.004 kg |
| GREEN PURSLANE Description Annual, spicy herbs. Fragrant, spicy leaves reminiscent of spinach taste are used for food. Grow in five weeks after sowing, harvested before blooming. To have fresh leaves all the time, we recommend sowing several times per season. | 4770168913592 | 0.004 kg |
| HOT PEPPER CAYENNE LONG SLIM Description Early, spicy variety, fruits are green and red in colour, rich in taste. Suitable for fresh consumption, canning, fruits can be dried. Can be grown in greenhouses, conservatories, abundant when grown outside in case of hot summer. The fruit has a capsaicin content of 30-50 thousand on the Scoville scale (SHU). | 4770168151192 | 0.003 kg |
| HOT PEPPER WESTLANDSE LANGE RODE Description Early spicy variety, fruits are green and red, intense in terms of flavour. Suitable for raw consumption, canning, fruits can be dried. Grown in greenhouses, winter gardens in hot summers, it yields a good harvest if grown outdoors. The fruit has a capsaicin content of 1000-1500 on the Scoville scale (SHU). | 4770168913585 | 0.003 kg |
| HYSSOP Description Nectariferous, decorative herbs. Fresh or dried leaves, blooms and young shoot tops are used as spice. Sage and mint scent. The plants are valued for their decorative features, they perfectly grow near roses, suitable for slopes. | 4770168913530 | 0.003 kg |
| KALE WESTLANDSE WINTER Description These plants grow to a height of 40–60 cm. They have bright green, curly leaves and are typically used to make soups, salads, or to decorate food. Because the plants can withstand temperatures as low as -15 °C, leaving them outside for the winter allows you to pick fresh leaves in December as well. | 4770168917859 | 0.003 kg |
| LAMB’S LETTUCE VIT Description Early, fast growing and easily cultivated variety. Grow within 60 days. Plants are small. Green, large, oval leaves, mild taste, with juicy, nut aftertaste. Sown several times during the growing season. Grown outdoors and in greenhouses. | 4770168151666 | 0.004 kg |
| LEAF CELERY COMMON Description The variety is particularly suitable for drying. The plant tends to grow intensively and quickly, producing juicy, large dark green leaves with a strong aroma. Very fast regrowth after cutting. Can be grown from seedlings or sown directly into the soil. | 4770168919655 | 0.003 kg |
| LEEK GIGANTE DE INVERNO 2 Description Medium-early variety for summer and autumn harvest. The white part of the leek is used for food. Also suitable for salads, can be grilled or marinated with other vegetables. Water the planted seedlings abundantly. Grows best in light moist loamy soils. | 4770168151598 | 0.004 kg |
| LEMON BALM Description Perennial herbal nectariferous plants. Leaves and flowers emit a pleasant, fresh aroma reminiscent of a lemon. Dried and fresh herbs are used as spices for meals instead of lemon. | 4770168913561 | 0.003 kg |
| LETTUCE BIONDA A FOGLIA RICCIA Description Early leaf lettuce variety. Green leafs, very tasty, regrows when cut. Grown in polyethylene greenhouses or outside. For quality yields, we recommend planting seedlings. Grows best in a loose, fertile soil. | 4770168151314 | 0.005 kg |
| LETTUCE BLACK SEEDED SIMPSON Description Early, resistant to disease, fertile leaf lettuce variety. Grow within 53–60 days. The plant has large, curly, pale green, juicy, not bitter leaves, weights about 250–400 g. Can be grown in greenhouses and in the open field. | 4770168913646 | 0.004 kg |
| LETTUCE KAGRANER SOMMER 2 Description Early loaf lettuce variety. Otherwise known as the butterhead type. Grown in plastic greenhouses and outdoors. For high quality harvest, it is recommended to plant seedlings. Grows best in loose, fertile soil. | 4770168151338 | 0.004 kg |
| LETTUCE LOLLO ROSSA Description Medium early variety of leaf lettuce. Harvested after 45–50 days after germination. Compact, leaves are curly, green with reddish edges. Quickly regrow after cutting. Can be sown in greenhouse and in open field. | 4770168913653 | 0.004 kg |
| LETTUCE MAY QUEEN Description Early loaf lettuce variety. Otherwise known as the butterhead type. Grown in plastic greenhouses and outdoors. For high quality harvest, it is recommended to plant seedlings. Grows best in loose, fertile soil. | 4770168151628 | 0.004 kg |
| LETTUCE MERVEILLE D'HIVER Description Two-colour butter-head lettuce. Vegetation period – 52–57 days. Grown in polyethylene greenhouses and outdoors. To enjoy high-quality harvest seedlings should be planted. Grows best in loose, fertile soil. | 4770168151635 | 0.005 kg |
| LETTUCE PARRIS ISLAND COS Description Romaine lettuce variety producing heads. The leaves are crunchy and juicy. The plants not only have a unique taste, but also stand out for their decorativeness. For early harvest should be sown in a greenhouse for later harvest can be sown directly outdoors. Grows best in loose, fertile soil. | 4770168151659 | 0.004 kg |
| MELON RETATO DEGLI ORTOLANI Description Heat loving vegetable grown in greenhouses or outdoors, choosing a warm place sheltered from the wind. Fruit is delicious, aromatic. Leave no more than 2–3 fruits on one plant Harvested in late summer, before frost. | 4770168151208 | 0.003 kg |
| OREGANO Description Perennial medicinal, nectariferous, decorative herbs. Fresh and dried leaves are used for salads, meat dishes, gravy flavouring. A very popular spice in Italian cuisine, oregano is used for pizza, spaghetti. | 4770168913615 | 0.003 kg |
New | OW FLOWER MIX TUBINGER Description FLOWER MIX TUBINGERColourful, fragrant flower mix for summer flowerbeds. Bright-coloured fragrant blooms will attract bees and butterflies to flowerbeds. Seeds can be sown directly to flowerbeds. Sunny location, soil that is permeable to air and water should be selected for growing. | 4770168151727 | 0.004 kg |
| OW LETTUCE REGINA DI MAGGIO Description LETTUCE REGINA DI MAGGIOEarly loaf lettuce variety. Otherwise known as the butterhead type. Grown in plastic greenhouses and outdoors. For high quality harvest, it is recommended to plant seedlings. Grows best in loose, fertile soil. | 4770168151321 | 0.004 kg |
| OW LETTUCE SALAD BOWL Description LETTUCE SALAD BOWLEarly, fertile leaf lettuce variety. Grows within 50–63 days, sown from spring till autumn. Lettuce leaves are snipped, juicy, regrow after cutting. Can be grown in a glasshouse and in the field. Grow best in loose, fertile soil. | 4770168151611 | 0.004 kg |
| OW LETTUCE VERDE DEGLI ORTOLANI Description LETTUCE VERDE DEGLI ORTOLANI Medium-early variety of romaine head lettuce. Yields crunchy heads that are 30 to 40 cm high. Cultivated in PE glasshouses or in the field. Planting seedlings is recommended to ensure a high-quality harvest. Best growth is achieved in loose, rich soil. | 4770168151642 | 0.004 kg |
| PARSLEY GIGANTE D'ITALIA Description A variety of smooth-leaved parsley. Harvested after 70–75 days. Foliage is fragrant, dark green, used to spice up various dishes. For early harvest is sown in autumn or early spring, for autumn crops is sown in May. | 4770168151215 | 0.005 kg |
| PARSLEY MOSKRUL 2 Description A variety which is grown in beds or on the windowsill from spring to autumn. Leaves are thick, curly, dark green. Can be consumed fresh, suitable for freezing, drying. Best grown in fertile soil which is free from weeds. | 4770168151222 | 0.005 kg |
| POPPY CALIFORNIAN Description CALIFORNIA POPPY Annual, low maintenance flowers. Planted in flower beds, picked for bouquets. Flowers are 3–4 cm in diameter, bright, and bloom profusely. Grown in flower gardens, suitable for sowing in flowering lawns. Not demanding for the soil. | 4770168913684 | 0.003 kg |
New | PUMPKIN HOKKAIDO ORANGE Description Early variety. Small fruits, weighting at 2–3 kg. The peel is soft and the flesh is yellowish with a sweet nutty flavour. Suitable for preserving, salad, jams. | 4770168151154 | 0.005 kg |
| PUMPKIN JACK O' LANTERN Description High-yielding variety, fruits are medium sized, oval. The flesh is orange and sweet. To get an earlier harvest, seeds should be germinated in pots and then seedling should be planted outdoors. Pumpkins are consumed fresh, can be stewed, cooked, fried. | 4770168151468 | 0.005 kg |
| PUMPKIN MARINA DI CHIOGGIA Description Late variety. Flatly-round fruit with greyish green knobbly skin. Produces fruit up to 5 kg. Orange, sweet flesh. To enjoy early harvest should be sprouted in cups. Can be consumed fresh, stewed, cooked and baked. | 4770168151239 | 0.005 kg |
| PUMPKIN QUINTALE SEME GIALLO Description Late variety. Fruits are large, weighing 10–12 kg. The flesh is orange and sweet. For an earlier harvest, seeds should be germinated in cups. Pumpkins are consumed raw, can be stewed, cooked, fried. | 4770168913554 | 0.005 kg |
| PUMPKIN UCHIKI KURI Description Early variety. Small fruits, weighting at 2–3 kg. The peel is soft and the flesh is yellowish with a sweet nutty flavour. Suitable for preserving, salad, jams. | 4770168919631 | 0.005 kg |
| RADISH PABLO Description An early variety, which grows in 30–38 days. Root crops are red, juicy, delicious. Can be grown in greenhouses for early harvest, and sown outside for summer and autunm harvest. Grow well in fertile soil, must be watered. | 4770168919648 | 0.005 kg |
| RADISH PATRICIA Description Early, fertile variety. Root crops are oblong, red with a white tip. Grow within 27 days after germination. Delicious, does not overgrow for a long time. Cultivated outdoors, and under cover. For autumn harvest radish is sown in the second half of August. | 4770168151291 | 0.005 kg |
| RADISH RAXE Description Early, high yielding variety. Grows within 22–25 days after seeds germinate. Root crop is regular shaped, bright red in colour, medium size, not pungent. Can be grown in open field and greenhouses. Radish for autumn harvest is sown in the second half of August. | 4770168151604 | 0.005 kg |