B2B.seklos.lt is a new gardening goods shopping platform for agro-company "Sėklos" wholesale and export market partners all over the world!

In response to market changes and partners' desire to order goods quickly and conveniently, we hope that this new way of shopping will save all partners time and make it easier to find information about the goods of interest.

We follow traditions and especially value professionalism. The company employs experienced professionals who set the highest quality standards for products. They closely follow and dictate the latest gardening trends. So on this platform you will find everything we offer to add to your assortment to sell too.

This shopping platform is constantly updated and improved. Here you will find:

  • Products we design and manufacture and import. 
  • Prices individually assigned to you (visible only after registration), products and logistics information that will help in preparing optimized orders. 
  • News, promotions, product catalogs, and other necessary information for selling the offered products. 
  • You will also be able to track your shopping history, order status. Here you will find all the necessary accounting information in one place - in your account - at a time convenient for you.
  • In addition, you will be able to download product photos and descriptions in several languages.

If you have any questions or need our assistance or consultations - you can always contact the manager assigned directly to you.. You will find all the information in the contact section after successful registration.

We hope that this shopping platform will be quick and easy to understand and navigate, but there is always room for improvement. We would appreciate it if you would leave feedback after shopping, what you would like or suggest to improve, what were you missing,or what you searched for, but were not able to find.

Agro-company "Sėklos"- team of happy customers

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