Code: 5705781001622


Weight: 10 kg / item
Package measurement: 40 x 70 x 11 cm
For extensive winter-hardy pasture with highest wear tolerance and persistency to both dry periods and close grazing.

VersaMax - Robust is a really tough mixture to be used where stress tolerance is needed. VersaMax - Robust is designed mainly for permanent pastures, but is also very suitable for one or two early cuts of silage or hay.

VersaMax - Robust consists of species that combine ground cover, winter hardiness, drought tolerance and high productivity.
VersaMax - Robust is ideal, not only for cattle grazing but also for sheep and horses as it tolerates close grazing. The feed from VersaMax - Robust is palatable, but also supplies the animals with necessary fibre.

Seeding rate, KG/HA: 30-35
PurposeFor forage meadow
Packaging10 kg
Languages on the packagingRO, EN, LV, RU, BG, LT, EE