Code: 4770168912335


Weight: 5 kg / item
Package measurement: 20 x 10 x 20 cm

Top quality Lithuanian KARELIA seed potatoes. Buy certified seed potatoes with confidence. Cultivated on Petras Vasiliauskas’ Vfarm land from elite seed potatoes, tested for disease and certified in accordance with the highest quality requirements.
Medium early maturity. Used for fresh consumption, salads and roasting. Rounded tubers. Shallow eyes. Yellow-fleshed. Dry matter content approx. 21%. No disintegration when boiled. Overwintering – long dormancy. Resistant to nematodes Ro1-4, scab, Y virus, blackleg, rhizoctonia and scab. Moderately resistant to late blight.
Vfarm remarks: abundant yield. Highly disease-resistant variety. Not demanding to soil, but ensuring a constant moisture balance is recommended. It overwinters well and can be stored until spring.

Packaging5 kg
Languages on the packagingLT