Code: 8712627907038


Weight: 0 kg / item
Tulips are one of the oldest and most popular bulb flowers in Lithuania. They can grow in the same place for many years. Flowers come in different heights (from 15 to 70-80 cm), the shape of the petals is also different. Early tulips begin to open in April, late varieties – second half of May. The range of colours is wide, but the most popular are red, yellow, and pink. Tulips can be planted in large groups, but it is important to combine them according to height and time of flowering. Planted in a sunny, spacious, non-waterlogged place in autumn, when the soil temperature drops to +10 °C. The depth of tulip planting depends on the soil. In light soil tulips are planted at a depth of three bulbs, and in heavy soil – at a depth of two bulbs. Grows best in light, loose, neutral acidity (pH 6.5-7.5) garden soil. It is recommended to dig up tulip bulbs every two years. If tulips are not transplanted, the blooms gets smaller or the plants stop producing blooms altogether.
Bulb size11/12
Number of bulbs in the package5