Code: 4779030510310


Weight: 1 kg / item
Package measurement: 10.5 x 12.5 x 8.5 cm

Designed for fertilizing all roses and blooming flowers, flowering trees and shrubs. Promotes abundant blooming, growth and beautiful appearance of all roses and other garden flowers. Enriches colors and strengthens plant roots, helps transplanted plants to grow. A properly balanced formula ensures the supply of the plant with all the necessary trace elements. Garden roses are true garden "lovelies" that require a lot of nutrients. In order to avoid small, low-quality flowers, pale leaves, thin and weak stems, curled leaf edges, and flower diseases, we recommend using this fertilizer during growth and flowering. It is indispensable to feed tulips, daffodils, hyacinths, lilies and other bulbous flowers in the spring, during growth and flowering. INSIDE, YOU WILL FIND A BAG-DISPENSER (SUITABLE FOR 1 EATING BAG). FOR INDOOR, TERRACE, BALCONY AND TRANSPLANTED PLANTS: 10 liters of water - 1/3 teaspoon of fertilizer. FOR GARDEN ROSES, BLOOMING FLOWERS, TREES AND SHRUBS: 1 teaspoon of fertilizer for 10 liters of water.
The powder is dissolved in water. Plants are watered with the prepared solution. Can be used all year round. Fertilize every 7-14 days. When plants are actively growing, can be used with each watering. A change in the consistency, color or shape of the fertilizer does not reduce the effectiveness!


EC FERTILIZERS. B.1.1 - NPK fertilizers. 13-7-27+3MgO+microelements.  Contains trace elements.

Packaging: 900 g.

Type of fertilizerLoose
Fertilizer seasonalitySpring fertilization, Summer fertilization
PurposeFor roses
Packaging900 g
Languages on the packagingEN, LT