Code: 4770168253056


Primula L.
Weight: 0.1 kg / item
Package measurement: 8 x 14 x 0.2 cm

Perennial, 60 cm tall, gorgeous flowers with unique bright-coloured inflorescences. Primrose carpets look wonderful under sparse trees, low fruit trees. Suitable for growing in rock gardens, pots. Planted in groups in flower gardens. Grows well in light, non-drying, humus-rich soil. Primroses can be grown in the same location for 2–4 years. Should be covered for overwintering.

Hermetic packagingYes
Quantity in a packet0,1g
Number of seeds per gram3000
Sowing time in the soilV–VI, 0 cm
Sowing time for seedlingsIII–IV, 0 cm
Distances, cmVII–VIII, 15x20 cm
Blooming periodIV–VI, 60 cm
Plant height60 cm
Flowering time, heightIV–VI, 60 cm
Place of growingField
BrandŽalia stotelė
Half shadowYes
Suitable for growingApline gardens, Flowerbeds