Code: 5907487104250


Weight: 0.03 kg / item
Package measurement: 4 x 10.5 x 0.1 cm

Indoor and garden fertilizer
Fertilizer Osmocote® 2 in 1, 6 months
Quick start and long duration of action - up to 6 months. Visible results after 7 days. Fertilizer for indoor and garden plants easily absorbed by plants. A good basic fertilizer for summer flowers (petunias, geraniums, begonias, fuchsias, iron herbs, angel's trumpets, etc.). Suitable for planting onion flowers. The fertilizer ensures long-term, abundant, brightly colored flowering and the formation of new flower buds. It is also convenient to fertilize mulched and potted plants.
The best time to fertilize is in the spring when the plants start growing. Mix the fertilizer lightly into the soil.
Indoor plants (pot diameter/quantity): Ø 9-13 cm/3-5 g plant Ø 14-20 cm/10 g plant Ø >20 cm/20 g plant.
Balcony plants: 3-6 g/plant or mix 2-4 g per 1 L of substrate. A good basic fertilizer for petunias, geraniums, fuchsias, iron herbs, angel's trumpets, etc. Mix 2-4 g per 1 L of soil during planting (1m of balcony box = approx. 15 L).
Garden plants: roses, shrubs, annual plants, perennials use from early spring to late summer (March-August) 60 g / 1 m².
Bulbous flowers: tulips, daffodils, lilies, etc. When planting "onion" 60 g / 1 m².
Use less fertilizer for small or sensitive plants. After fertilizing, water the plants liberally. Fertilizer granules decompose in nature after one year after the release of the fertilizer.
Measuring cup included in the package = 10 g
To quickly strengthen the plants and promote the formation of new flower buds, use Substral® Miracle-Gro® Rose fertilizer in addition. Toa-Aia Universal fertilizer with humus helps to increase the brightness of the leaves of indoor flowers.
Ingredients: NPK fertilizer. N:P2O5:K2O (MgO) 22:7:14 (2.5) + trace elements.
Packaging: 300 g.

Type of fertilizerLoose
Fertilizer seasonalityYear-round fertilization
Packaging300 g
Languages on the packagingPL, LT