Code: 4062700072608


Weight: 0.32 kg / item
Package measurement: 7 x 17.5 x 4 cm
Liquid chlorine-free organic-mineral fertilizer with microelements for orchids and epiphytes. Recommendations for use: shake before use, moisten the soil with water. Water the plants - 1/4 stopper (7 ml) / 1 liter of water, from April to September every 7-10 days, from October to February - every 30 days. 1 stopper - 28 ml. Contains leonarditis. NPK organic-mineral fertilizer solution with microelements (copper, iron, manganese, molybdenum, zinc) NPK 5-3-7 + (Cu, Fe, Mn, Mo, Zn). Organic matter - 0.15-0.2% organic carbon - 6-9% fulvic acids - 1.5-2.5% pH - 6.5. Fertilizer nutrients are completely soluble in water. Weight (net) - 0.250 l / 0.295 kg.
Capacity250 ml
Approximate product output70l working solution
Type of fertilizerLiquid
Fertilizer seasonalityYear-round fertilization
ForSubstral liquid fertilizer
Packaging250 ml
NPKNPK 5-3-7
Languages on the packagingDE, LT