Code: 4770168905078


Weight: 0.57 kg / item
Package measurement: 10 x 26 x 5.5 cm

Purpose of use: care of indoor, balcony, garden and ornamental plants hand washing cleaning of various surfaces.
Method of use: Spray the plants at the distance of 30 cm so that trunks and stems, upper and lower sides of leaves/needles, soil or mulch surface would be treated 4 times every 14 days. Withdrawal period – 7 days till harvesting. Spray in the morning, evening or on a cloudy calm day, the temperature should not exceed +20 °C. Do not spay during flowering stage. Spray the solution on surfaces, scrub contaminated areas (brush, cloth, etc.), rinse with water. If the surface is heavily soiled, repeat the procedure.
Composition: potassium salts of fatty acids of vegetable oil, < 5%, potassium hydroxide, water, pH ~ 10.
Precautionary statements: When using the soap, observe general hygiene requirements. Keep out of reach of children. Store at temperatures from +5 to +35 °C. Do not get in eyes. If in eyes or on skin, rinse well with water. If swallowed, rinse mouth get medical advice/attention if you feel unwell. Transfer the content/container to a certified waste recycling facility.

Packaging500 ml
Languages on the packagingLT, EE, EN, LV