Code: 4770168917804


Raphanus sativus L.
Weight: 0.004 kg / item
Package measurement: 8 x 14 x 0.1 cm

Medium-early, high-yielding variety. Vegetation duration – 30-36 days. Roots are large, up to 4 cm in diameter, not prone to cracking and swelling, retain merchantable appearance for a long time after being picked. Sown outdoors from mid-April to mid-August. Grows best in light to medium, loose, humus-rich, weed-free, and non-acidic (pH 6-7) soil. Seeds might be treated. If the seeds are treated, the name of the treatment is given at the bottom of the package. 

Hermetic packagingYes
Quantity in a packet3 g
Number of seeds per gram~70-130
Distances, cmDE, LV, EN, LT, EE
Self-pollinatingVidutiniškai ankstyva
Sunny placeIV-VI
Methods of preparation15x3
Fruit colorIV-V, VIII
Languages on the packagingŽALIA STOTELĖ