Code: 4770168134010


Rheum rhabarbarum L.
Weight: 0.001 kg / item
Package measurement: 8 x 2 x 14 cm

Early perennial vegetable. Stalks are long, slightly angular, red or pink at the base, rich in vitamins C and P, minerals, organic acids. Stalks are used for compot, marmalade, jams, juices. Grow well in humus, moist, but non-soggy soil. Can grow 10 or more years in the same place.

Price groupB
Earlyness of the varietyEarly
Quantity in a packet1 g
Number of seeds per gram1g - apie 60-80 seeds
Sowing time in the soilV- VIII, 2-3 cm
Sowing time for seedlingsIV- VIII, 2-3 cm
Distances, cmV-VI,120x70 cm
Planting distances120x70 cm
Place of growingField
BrandŽalia stotelė
Sunny placeYes
Half shadowYes